Racial Discrimination

Racial Discrimination:  When a person is treated less than another person in a similar situation because of their race, descent, national or ethnic origin or immigrant status.

There are different types of racial discrimination that is used commonly throughout many societies:

  • Racially offensive material on the internet, such as social networking sites
  • Racially offensive comments or images in a newspaper, magazine or other forms of publication
  • Racially offensive speeches at a public rally such as public speaking workshops
  • Racially abusive comments in a public place, such as a shop, workplace, park, on public transport or at school (This is most commonly used in bullying in certain numbers of schools)
  • Racially abusive comments at sporting events by players, spectators, coaches or officials. (Football, soccer, baseball, hockey and etc.)


Racial discrimination and any form of discrimination can negatively affect a person’s health, economic opportunity or even wealth accumulation, and it can even affect a particular group of people as it may diminish any of their future opportunities.

Though all said and done, a person cannot fully choose to which race to be born with; to what colour their skin is, so why do we discriminate against one another? The colour or race of a person is only of use to categorize each other. A person can only be determined by their strong will and/or the character of which they build themselves by what condition grew up in.

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