Age Discrimination

  The discrimination of age or ageism is the prejudice based on a person's age. This unfair judgment can affect the confidence, job, financial situation or quality of life of a person. Ageism can affect anybody of any race and religion; as it is solely based on their age and mostly affects people over the age of 40.… Continue reading Age Discrimination

Disability Discrimination

Disability discrimination is when a person with a disability is treated less than a person without the disability in the same or similar circumstances. These disabilities may include; ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Anxiety, Autism and Asperger's, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Alcohol or Drug Addiction, Organic Mental Disorders (including Organic Brain Syndrome, Panic Attacks; According… Continue reading Disability Discrimination

Racial Discrimination

Racial Discrimination:  When a person is treated less than another person in a similar situation because of their race, descent, national or ethnic origin or immigrant status. There are different types of racial discrimination that is used commonly throughout many societies: Racially offensive material on the internet, such as social networking sites Racially offensive comments… Continue reading Racial Discrimination

Religious Discrimination

In accordance with the law created in 1948 by the United Nations; it is stated within article 18 that "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone on in community with others and in public or private, to… Continue reading Religious Discrimination

Gender Discrimination

Discrimination based on gender (or sex) is a common civil rights violation that takes many forms, including sexual harassment, discrimination against pregnancy, and unequal pay for women who do the same jobs as men. Gender discrimination can lead to other types of issues such as sexual harassment. There are two forms of sexual harassment, one called… Continue reading Gender Discrimination